Solar energy and photovoltaic roofs
Bavaria Solarpark
(6.3 MW
) is the largest photovoltaic system in the world; it is made up of 57,600 solar panels, covering an area of 25 hectares (0.25 km
Energy. Electric energy
A look at electric energy in Italy
Solar energy
Why not use the sun to produce energy?
The photovoltaic effect
How we can use the sun to generate electric energy
Types of photovoltaic systems
Can we produce electric energy at night too?
The photovoltaic system on the roof of the Physics Department of the University of Bologna
Characteristics and electric power
Incident solar radiation and electric energy generated
How efficient is the system
The future
Questions and Answers
G. Giacomelli
G. Mandrioli
D. Matteuzzi
Useful links
Tema energia - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della tutela del territorio
Caratteristiche di un impianto fotovoltaico
Rapporto energia ambiente 2005 - ENEA
Le fonti rinnovabili 2005 - ENEA
Statistiche sulle fonti rinnovabili anno 2004 (GRTN S.p.A.)
Governo Italiano, Ministero delle Attivitą Produttive, Decreto del 28 Luglio 2005