Green Chemistry, 
a contribution to Sustainable Development index: Pollution, the dirty face of development index: Pollution, the dirty face of development

Studying environmental pollution at the
University of Bologna


The Ravenna Site houses the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Environmental Science (CIRSA), to which are attached various scientific laboratories working in the fields of biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, etc.
The "G. Ciamician" Department of Chemistry , the Department of Physics , the Department of Experimental Evolutionistic Biology and the Department of Earth Sciences and Environmental Geology all contribute to the CIRSA.

The Ravenna Site also offers a degree course in Environmental Science. This course is part of the National Inter-university Consortium for Environmental Science. (CINSA).

Nine research units from nine different Departments of the University of Bologna participate in the Inter-university Consortium "Chemistry for the Environment" (INCA).

If you would like more information, please visit the above-mentioned websites.

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