antimatter index




[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]

(Note - Greek letters are written out by name - alpha, beta etc.)


- A -

A "machine" used to accelerate particles to high speeds, and thus high energy compared to their rest mass energy. They are used for Nuclear and Subnuclear research, for Structure of matter research, for medical therapies and some industrial applications.

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alpha rays
The ambient natural radioactivity consists of alpha, beta gamma rays. Alpha rays are the least penetrating and may be stopped by a thin paper sheet. Alpha rays consist of helium nuclei (with positive charge) made of two protons and two neutrons (He-4). Alpha rays are not dangerous for living organisms, unless the emitting source is very strong and is inhaled, eaten, or comes into contact with eyes.

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Process in which a particle meets its corresponding antiparticle, and both disappear. The total energy of the initial pair changes into the rest mass of other particles and antiparticles and their kinetic energy.

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In particle physics every fermion has a corresponding antiparticle (antifermion). A particle and its antiparticle have identical mass but opposite electric charge and fermionic (barionic or leptonic) quantum number. The interactions among antiparticles are essentially identical to those among the corresponding particles.

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The smallest part of a simple substance (element), which maintains unaltered the properties of the simple substance. It is usually pictured as a miniature solar system with a positive nucleus surrounded by electrons. Atom dimensions are ~ 10 -10 m. In nature there are 92 different atoms.

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atomic orbital  
The region in space where the probability of finding an electron of an atom at a given position is higher. It is computed using the mathematical tools of quantum mechanics.

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atomic nucleus
The central part of an atom. It is made of protons and neutrons. Almost all the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.

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- B -

Particle (hadron) with a spin of half-integer number of quantum units; it is made of 3 quarks, each of a different color (strong).

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beta rays
Beta rays are electrons (beta-) or positrons (beta+) emitted by a radioactive atomic nucleus or by a neutron during a transformation process. Beta rays are more penetrating than alpha rays, but less than X or gamma  rays.

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Big Bang (Theory)
It is the best known and more accredited theory which describes the evolution of the Universe at the very begining. The Universe was born with the Big Bang. Initially, all matter and energy were contained in a point (singularity) which then has grown and reached the dimensions of the present Universe.

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Big Bang
The super powerful "explosion" that gave birth to the Universe; immediately after the Big Bang the Universe had very small dimensions and very high density, pressure and temperature. The Big Bang occurred about 15 billion years ago.

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The elementary particles are classified as bosons and fermions. Bosons have integer spin (0, 1, 2, ... in units of  ). The  "force particles" mediators of the fundamental interactions (gamma, W+/-, Z0, 8 gluons), are fundamental bosons. Also the particles (hadrons) made of an even integer number of quanta (like the mesons made by a quark-antiquark pair) are bosons.

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- C -

A fundamental physical quantity carried by a particle that determines its participation in an interaction process. A particle with electric charge has electromagnetic interactions; one with color charge (or strong charge) has strong interactions, etc.

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An accelerator in which beams of particles, travelling in opposite directions, are made to collide head on.

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color charge
The charge associated with strong interactions. Quarks and gluons have color charges and consequently participate in strong interactions. Leptons, photons and W and Z0 bosons do not have color charge and therefore do not participate in the strong interaction. There are three color-charges (usually called red, green, blue) for quarks, and there are three anticolor-charges (anti-red, anti-green, anti-blue) for antiquarks.

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cosmic radiation (cosmic rays)
It is made of protons, helium nuclei and some heavier nuclei of high energy, which reach the Earth from the outer space. Cosmic rays are the only example of particles with mass which reach us from outside the solar system. The mechanisms which accelerate some cosmic rays to extreme energies are unknown. Primary cosmic rays interact with the nuclei (N, O) of the molecules which make up the higher atmosphere of the Earth. In these collisions many new particles are produced, most of which are unstable. The particles which reach the surface (secondary cosmic rays) are positive and negative muons, eletcrons and positrons.

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CP violation
C, P mean charge conjugation and parity. C, P and CP are quantum mechanical symmetry operations. Some interactions violate CP conservation (very small effect); it is believed that this violation lead to different evolution of matter and animatter in the Universe.

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- D -

A  process in which a particle disappears and in its place two or more different particles appear. The total mass of the produced particles is lower than the mass of the initial particle. In atomic nuclei: a process in which a massive nucleus breaks apart into less-massive nucleus plus alpha, or beta, or gamma ray emission.

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Any device sensitive to the passage of an elementary particle or nucleus.

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- E -

electric charge
Property, quantum number of a particle which determines its participation in the electromagnetic interaction. The electric charge is always conserved.

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electromagnetic interaction
This interaction originates from electric charges and is mediated by  photons. The electromagnetic interaction binds electrons and a  nucleus to make an atom. The force, which binds atoms to make the molecules, is a "residual" electromagnetic force shielded by the atomic electrons.

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electromagnetic waves (e.m.)
Visible light, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, radio and TV waves, microwaves are examples of electromagnetic waves. Also X rays and gamma rays or high energy photons are electromagnetic waves.

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electromagnetic radiation
Energy in transit in the form of electromagnetic waves (photons).

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A fundamental particle, negatively charged with a mass of 0.51 MeV. It is the lowest mass charged lepton and it is a stable particle.

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Kinetic energy acquired by an electron subjected to a voltage difference of 1 V. One uses multiples (eg.  MeV = one million ElectronVolts, GeV = one billion ElectronVolts, ect). Particle masses may be expressed in eV/c2 (remember Einstein's relation E= mc2).

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elementary particle
The term usually denotes the fundamental constituents (quarks and leptons), and the fundamental bosons, but also the "composite" particles (like protons, neutrons and all other hadrons).

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- F -

Every particle with half integer spin (1/2, 3/2, ... in units of  ). All "matter particles" (quarks and leptons) are fermions.

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Name used to indicate different types of quarks ("strong" flavour: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, top) and leptons ("weak" flavour : electron, muon, tau, neutrinoe, neutrinomu, neutrinotau). In other words the flavour is a quantum number which distinguishes different quarks and leptons.

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fundamental family (generation)
There are three fundamental families. The first family includes the quarks u, d, the electron and the electron neutrino. The second family includes the quarks c, s, the muon and the muon neutrino. The third family: t, b, the tau and the tau neutrino.

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fundamental interaction
There are four fundamental interactions: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong. At the submicroscopic level the gravitational interaction is negligible (while it plays a fundamental role at the macroscopic level). At very high energies (> 100 GeV) one has the unification of the electromagnetic interactions with the weak interactions into electroweak interactions.

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fundamental particle
A particle with no internal substructure. In the Standard Model of the microcosm, quarks and leptons are fundamental fermions, photons, gluons, W and Z bosons are fundamental bosons. All other objects are made from these particles.

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- G -

gamma rays
They are electromagnetic waves of very short wavelengths. It is important to consider the corpuscolar aspect: a gamma ray  is a photon of high energy. Gamma rays are emitted by radioactive nuclei, and in high energy collisions. Gamma rays are penetrating radiations, like X rays (but with shorter wavelengths).

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gluon (quantum of strong interaction)
Gluons mediate the strong interactions. There are 8 gluons, all with spin 1 and zero mass. A gluon carries a color charge and an anticolor charge.

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gravitational interaction
Interaction between bodies due to their mass/energy. The graviton is the mediator of the gravitational interaction.

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It is the mediator of the gravitational interaction. The graviton has not yet been observed directly.

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- H -

Every particle subjected to strong interaction. Hadrons are classified in baryons (composed of 3 quarks) like neutron and proton, with half integer spin and mesons (composed of a quark and an antiquark) having integer spin. Hadrons have "strong color charge" equal to zero, but are subject to the residual strong interaction (nuclear interaction).

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heavy ion
It is made of a heavy nucleus (like gold) and a number of electrons smaller or larger (usually smaller) than that of a standard atom. In some cases all electrons may be missing totally (totally ionized atom).

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Higgs boson
Theoretical particle responsible for the mass of every other particle and of the "breaking" of the electroweak symmetry (electroweak force
---> electromagnetic and weak forces). It has not yet been seen experimentally.

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- I -

- J -

- K -

- L -

last (fundamental) constituents
The 6 quarks and 6  leptons. They are the smallest "objects" known: their dimensions are smaller than 10-18 m. They have spin 1/2 .

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Ring with low energy antiprotons at CERN, where the first anti-hydrogen atoms have been observed.

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Fundamental constituent which does not participate in the strong interaction. The lepton family includes the electron (e-), the muon (mu-), the tau (tau-) and the corresponding neutrinos (nue, numu, nutau). The antileptons are e+, mu+, tau+, anti(nue), anti(numu), anti(nutau).

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- M -

A hadron with integer spin composed of a quark and an antiquark of opposite "color".

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Electromagnetic waves with frequencies of 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz. (cycles per second).

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Fundamental lepton with negative electric charge (mu-), it is similar to the electron, but it has a mass 200 times larger. It is abundant in the secondary cosmic rays. The corresponding antiparticle is the mu+.

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- N -

Fundamental neutral leptons with mass zero or very small. Three types exist: electron neutrino (nue), muon neutrino (numu) and tau neutrino(nutau).

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Neutral hadron with spin 1/2 ; it is made of three quarks: n = udd. Neutrons are found inside atomic nuclei. The free neutron is unstable, with a life time of approximately 900 s.

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- O -

- P -

photon (quantum of the electromagnetic field)
Fundamental neutral particle of spin 1, which mediates the electromagnetic interaction. According to its energy it is denoted radiowave, infrared ray, visible light, ultraviolet ray, X ray, gamma ray.

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Planck (constant)
Fundamental physical constant: the elementary quantum of action, indicated by h =  6.62620 x 10-34 joule·second. Note that  = h / (2xpigreco). For photon it is the ratio of its energy and its frequency h = E/ f.

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Antiparticle of the electron. It has the same mass as the electron, but opposite charge (positive).

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The proton is the positive nucleus of the hydrogen atom; it is made of three quarks: p = uud of three different "strong colors", for ex. ured ugreen dblu. Together with the neutron it forms the atomic nuclei.

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- Q -

The smallest discrete amount of a  physical quantity. The quantum of electricity is the charge of the electron. The quantum of light is the photon.

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quantum number
Number which characterizes the state of a physical system described by quantum mechanichs. For example for the complete description of an atomic orbital are need 4 quantum numbers which define the energy, the form, the orientation of the orbital in space and the spin of the electron.

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quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanics is the theory which is valid at the atomic scale and at the smallest dimensions of the fundamental particles. In an atom the energy, the momentum, the angular momentum, assume discrete values called quanta.

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Fundamental fermion constituent which participates in the strong interaction. It has spin 1/2 and fractional  electric charge (-1/3 or +2/3). A free quark has never been observed. There are six types of quark of different "strong flavour": d, s, b with electric charge  -1/3; u, c, t with charge +2/3. Ordinary matter is composed only of quark u, d. Every quark appears in one of three "colors": red, blu, green. The "color" charge is the equivalent for the strong interaction as is the electric charge for the electromagnetic interaction. An antiquark has an electric charge and a color charge opposite to those of the corresponding quark.

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- R -

radioactive nucleus
Unstable nucleus which emits  alpha, and/or beta and/or gamma

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rest mass
The rest mass of a particle is defined as the ratio between the rest energy of an isolated free particle and the square of the speed of light (m=E/c2). Normally, when we speak of mass we are referring to the rest mass.

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- S -

Special Relativity
Theory developed by Einstein, based on two hypotheses: that the speed of light in vacuum, c, is constant and that the laws of physics are equal for observers in relative motion with constant speed. Special Relativity has a new concept of space-time and the possibility to convert energy into mass (and viceversa mass into energy). All systems with velocities close to the speed of light must be analyzed with relativistic formule, not with those of classic mechanics.

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Intrinsic angular momentum of a particle in units of  . The spin of bosons is an integer, for fermions half integer.

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Standard Model (SM)
Describes the properties and behaviour of the fundamental particles: the fermions (leptons and quarks) and the bosons (photons, gluons, W e Z) which mediate three of the fundamental interactions (forces)  (strong,electromagnetic and weak). At high energies the electromagnetic and weak interaction are unified in the electroweak interaction.

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strong interaction
It is the interaction (force) which originates from the "color charges" of quarks and is mediated by gluons. The strong interaction binds three quarks to make a proton, a quark and a antiquark to make a meson. The force which binds protons and neutrons to make atomic nuclei is a "residual" atomic force. The strong force, mediated by 8 gluons, is a short range force, approximately 10-15 m; in this range it is 100 times stronger than electromagnetic force.

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- T -

The heaviest fundamental lepton with negative electric charge (tau-). The other charged leptons are the electron and the muon. The corresponding antiparticle is tau+.

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- U -

uncertainty principle
The precision with which we may measure the position (Delta(x)) and the moment (Delta(px)) of a particle is limited by Delta(x)·Delta(px) > /2. The same applies for the y and z components and for the time and energy components: Delta(t)·Delta(E) > /2.

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unstable particle
Particle which spontaneously decays into other particles.

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- V -

virtual particle
Particle exchanged in an interaction according to the laws of  quantum mechanics. For a virtual particle the relation E=mc2 is not valid. Also if it is not a "free" object, a virtual particle influences physical states up to distances of  1 fermi=10-15 m.

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- W -

W (particle)
Carrier particle of the charged current weak interaction. There are two types of W boson with electric charges +1 (W+) and -1 (W-).

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wave-particle dualism
Possession by physical entities (such as light and electrons) of both wave-like and particle-like characteristics. Like waves they are caracterized by a wavelength lambda and a frequency ni, like particles by an energy  E= h ni = hc/ lambda where h is Plank's costant. At low energies the wave characteristic is dominant, at high energy particle characteristic is dominant.

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weak interaction
Is responsible for the radioactive decays beta, where heavy quarks and leptons decay in lighter particles; it is also responsible of the first nuclear reaction of the cicle inside the sun. The weak interaction has a short range and it is mediated by the massive bosons W+, W-, Z0. At ordinary energies the weak interaction is much weaker than the electromagnetic and strong interactions. For energies larger than 100 GeV the weak interaction becomes unified with the electromagnetic interaction into the electroweak interaction.

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- X -

X rays
They are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 10 and 0.01 nm; they are due to the slowing down of electrons in matter.

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- Y -

- Z -

Z (particle)
Neutral boson (Z0) responsible for the neutral current weak interaction. Its mass is 91.1 GeV.

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