electrosmog index electrosmog index Electricity and electromagnetic waves

Electrosmog: a hotly-debated term

Among the various neologisms commonly used in Italy these days, we find the word eletcrosmogDizionario. It stands for electromagnetic "pollution"  or presence of electromagnetic fieldsDizionario due to the current uses of electric energyDizionario.
The word recalls other types of environmental pollutions involving "smoke and fog" (smog), even though in this case there is neither smoke nor fog.

Electric and magnetic fields are always present in the space around electric currents. They propagate even without conductorsDizionario, in fact, they diffuse best in vacuum.
If electric currents oscillate, also their respective electromagnetic fields assume oscillatory patterns with sinusoidal wavesDizionario characteristics, also known as electromagnetic waves or radiationsDizionario (identified by wave lengthDizionario and frequencyDizionario).
By modulating the physical magnitudes of these waves it is possible to create special signals, which, in vacuum, travel at the speed of light and allow us to communicate at great distances. This explains the recent proliferation of numerous means and appliances based on such telecommunication systems.

Fig. 1: Graphic representation of an electromagnetic wave. Figure taken by the applet java: "Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves".
(Credit:  Fu-Kwun Hwang)

There is an unceasing proliferation of technology connected to electricity, providing enormous advantages in many fields of human life. However, these advantages are often undermined by the visual impact on the environment of power lines and by panic stories about possible health risksDizionario. In this regard, the data has not yet been scientifically confirmed and its acceptability has not really been evaluated.
People are scared by this information, they are not able to reach a "balanced judgement", and even less, an "agreement" , as the problem is often complicated by the fact that the relative risks do not affect directly the same people who receive the benefitsDizionario.
It is to be hoped that more accurate information will make people see that everything has its price and that the choices must be made by comparing "cost" and  "usefulness"; that is to say, we must evaluate the overall risks and benefits.