8-How can we use our technology more intelligently? electrosmog index electrosmog index

Where can I find reliable, up-to-date information?

Many technical and operative handbooks are available but information for "non-specialists" is insufficient and, too often, difficult to understand.
The subject is complex and it is often unwittingly trivialized or rendered so heavy and academic that the general public is put off completely. As usual, there should be a "sound middle ground", but this is not easy.

For some easy reading material we recommend "Waves on the field", "Non Ionising Radiations" (only Italian version)....no offence to others!
Anyone willing to go deeper into the quantitative aspects can refer directly  to the scientific works mentioned in the above texts.

From a practical point of view, you can refer to ARPA, the Regional Agencies for Prevention and Environment. For example, on the Emilia-Romagna site you can also find maps showing the various sources in the area: http://www.arpa.emr.it/rimini/, http://www.arpa.emr.it/piacenza/). In particular, it is their job to guarantee the observance of radiation exposure limits in residential areas.

Compliance with these limits is guaranteed firstly by evaluating the projects using mathematical models and secondly, by measuring the electromagnetic fieldsDizionario in loco .

Fig. 1: Power lines close to dwellings in the surrounding of  Bologna.
Credit:  Elettrosmog.com)

What are the limits set by law?

As far as industrial frequenciesDizionario are concerned, the DPCM 8 luglio 2003 (Ministerial Decree issued on 8th July 2003) sets exposure limits at 100 microDizionarioteslaDizionario for magnetic inductionDizionario and 5kV/m for the electric field (considered as effective values).

As a precaution, it is recommended not to exceed 10 microtesla (taken as average value over 24 hours in normal operational conditions) in all playgrounds, residential and/or school areas, and in all areas where people spend more than 4 hours daily.

In addition, for new long distance power line planning, in all the above-mentioned areas and conditions, a 3 microtesla magnetic induction limit is set as a quality target.
For low frequencies, the limits set by current law refer only to the acute effects, whereas for high frequencies, the same Ministerial Decree of 07/08/03 sets limits which take into consideration also long exposures.
For instance, in residential areas close to apparatus such as mobile phone antennae, radio or TV appliances, radio links, etc., the electric field cannot exceed 6 VDizionario/m and the magnetic one must not exceed 0.016 ADizionario/m.
Higher values are accepted in non-residential areas; values may vary for different types of apparatus, for example 20 V/m  and 0.05 A/m for mobile phone systems.